• Cold Water Green Beast  -  Crustazia  -  N Blend  -  Supa Fruit  -  Fish Blood & Orange  -  Peach & Sour Cream  -  Oily Chicken

  • Boilies  -  Pellet  -  Stick Mix

  • DNA Liquid  -  Boilie Dips  -  Bait Spray

  • Wafters  -  Pop Ups  -  Paste  -  Critical Balanced

Dale Glover: Brick Pit

Bait Used: Zig soaked in CWGB boilie dip (all summer!)

Rig Choice: Zig Rig

Weight: Unknown 

Venue: Brick Pit, Midlands

Sheer winter form...

A recent mirror from fishing a difficult old Brick pit in the heart of the Midlands. Fell to a zig that has been soaking in CWGB boilie dip all summer. 

I choose the CWGB over all the flavours especially in the winter because of it’s sheer winter form and many months of fishing with all the ranges available this special flavour seems to attract me more fish.