• Cold Water Green Beast  -  Crustazia  -  N Blend  -  Supa Fruit  -  Fish Blood & Orange  -  Peach & Sour Cream  -  Oily Chicken

  • Boilies  -  Pellet  -  Stick Mix

  • DNA Liquid  -  Boilie Dips  -  Bait Spray

  • Wafters  -  Pop Ups  -  Paste  -  Critical Balanced

Unleash Your Creativity with Elementor

No April’s Fools

On a recent social at Berners Hall Fishery, the DT Baits team with some customers fished what can only be described as a weekend full of biblical weather.

Knowing our first day was going to be a washout from the beginning, it was decided as a group that we would do the draw the night before, giving us the opportunity to go straight to our swims and set up as we wished. I had been drawn out on peg 1, it was a peg I’ve never fished before but remember from our previous social back in September that it did a few bites. 

Being in peg 1 meant it was one of the closest to the car park, so as soon as I pulled up, I headed straight up a very muddy bank and set up the bivvy.  At least that gave me shelter to bring the rest of the gear up and keep it as dry as possible and apart from myself the plan worked almost perfectly.

Next it was to start fishing and although the wind and heavy rain was coming directly into my swim, I was confident that if I could find a spot, get the rods fishing then I had an opportunity, especially with the low pressure.

Managing to find a spot around 21 wraps I baited up with some salted maize from Carp Particles, which I had enhanced with DT Baits N Blend DNA liquid. Being aware of various forms of weed on the lake bed I decided to fish 2 rods with a Hinge Stiff rig and the final on a chod all fished heli style. My hook bait of choice was a Banana Pop Up from our Cult range, my thinking was to match the maize that I was offering as freebies as much as possible.

All 3 rods were now in place and it was time to have a brew and try to get warm and dry.  Thankfully a good friend Danny had joined me for a brew so it was all made and ready when I got in the bivvy.  Perched watching through the smallest of holes in the door to not get even wetter we watched the water in anticipation, but sadly it wasn’t to be whilst he was there and he left, joking that as soon as he had left my rods would go off.

Now it wasn’t quite as immediate as he had said, but a few hours later the rain stopped and it cleared for a while. I took this opportunity to catch up with James who was fishing in swim 2 and it seemed as we had a quick break in the rain the carp wanted to play.  

My left rod had a couple of bleeps and with that I was playing my first of the session.  What happened next pretty much set the tone of the weekend, just as James was helping me net the carp his rod went off too.  He rushed to get his rod whilst I made sure my carp was safe and secure, I then joined him to net his first Carp of the session.  Still no rain so Brad took some epic photos before we slipped my 25lb and James 27lb fish back.

With that the rain started again and whilst the easiest option would have been to leave the rod and stay dry, it had forecasted that this rain was in at least until 9pm. So, I put back on the wet t shirt and waders and pushed myself through the horrific conditions.  The rest of the evening was quiet, but it gave Fenton and I ample opportunity to chat about all things DT and the year ahead. The night went by pretty much the same apart from odd bleeps on the middle rod, it was clear this was due to weed, so my plan was to move that rod and reset it at first light.

However come sunrise, yes that’s right sun and no rain…..  the carp had other plans.  Once again, my left had rod went off and this time it was more than a couple of bleeps which got me excited for something a bit bigger, James trotted over to help and this time before he could even net my carp, his rod went off.  With mine secured in the sling, I went and helped him. No sooner as he had landed that one, another one of his rods went off. It was kicking off and proof that no matter the conditions it is always worth persevering and getting the rods back out.

Just as we were about to start photographing the carp, my left-hand rod went into action.  Although this one was a mid-double, the one still sulking in the sling was an upper 20.  Better still it was only 8am on the second day and that was now 6 fish in James and my swim whilst others were only able to pick off 1 here and there.

It was clear they were in the area and whilst maize will attract the smaller fish, the big ones are never far behind.  So, before anything else I used this time to reset all 3 rods and put them back out on the spots.  Photos were taken and after an hour or so, my right rod went off again, this was a wicked common with a very noticeable scale pattern, but sadly at 22 lb we still hadn’t got through to the big carp. Once again James’s rod went off and for the first time this weekend, I thought to myself, I’m going to be a bit selfish and get my rod back out before I help him. Straight out and now helping James, the same rod I had literally just put back in position went off again. This bite was a one toner and played very differently, could it be?  Had I finally got through to the big girls and perhaps beat my PB?

Bobbie was on hand to help net, but it was clear once it took its first roll, I had to get this in the net, Bobbie understood and gave the netting duties to James.  This mega mirror was now in the net and I couldn’t believe the morning both James and I were having. Even my mates who I was texting trying to explain what was going on, said April Fools.

Peering into the net I knew it had beaten my previous PB of 30lb.08oz but didn’t want to believe it could go over 40lb like others thought. Now buzzing and dazed, I secured her in the sling and got my rod back out, other team members chuckled and being confident there was more to be caught, I said its OK if that one goes again Bobbie can have that one.

We sorted James out and got his photos done and it was now judgement time for mine.  Brand new scales which I had only received 3 days earlier for my 42nd birthday was at the ready. I was too shocked to read the needle as it spun round and as they confirmed 42lb, I was in complete amazement.  I’d not only beaten my PB, I had well and truly smashed it.

This certainly wasn’t no April fools and within 24 hours of setting up in which can only be described as a mud bath and unforgiving weather. I had caught 5 fish to 42lb and James was on 4 fish to 30lb 6oz.  We still had 48 hours left to top up our tally, but we were fully aware the wind and pressure were due to change that evening.  Who would be crowned top rod?

After about an hour James hooked into something which was either a very wise carp that knew the snags or it was the big cat.  Either way it had snagged him up and even after various attempts to tease it out, it wasn’t to be.

Then after another quiet spell, remember the rod I promised to give to Bobbie if it went off, well as if by chance he was back in my swim and was straight on the rod after a couple of bleeps. It was a very strange sensation? I was excited he was playing it but the anticipation just in case it was another big one was worrying.  It was OK, the carp showed himself and was yet another scaly pristine carp, but being a high double it made both of us happy.

This may have scuppered my chances of top rod, but young Bobby’s enthusiasm, passion and smile whilst fishing is infectious. Strangely since the previous social we have formed a likable bond and sometimes it’s about more than just your results when the future of the sport is involved.

So now it was back to the challenge of Top Rod. I was still 1 up on James and now the wind had changed, pressure was rising and we were going into a night where temperatures were dropping dramatically and tomorrow was forecast for bright sun. The complete opposite to what we had seen so far, would this have a huge significance on the final result?

The morning certainly started differently with Vinnie who was further down the lake, having 3 runs in the space of an hour.  Was my suspicion correct and the fish were now moving down, should I change tact now or sit on it and wait.  So many questions running through my head, but with that James was in and whilst it meant he was now back level, perhaps just perhaps the carp were still in the area.  So, like previous days I would sit on my hands and wait.

Now mid-morning and still no carp, so I baited up and changed hook bait on 2 of the rods and the 3rd I moved over to a zig.  It was now about making something happen as it was clear the carp had moved down with Peder landing another fish further down the lake.Whilst it was quiet, we made the most of the time on the bank getting content for socials and making some short product videos. Obviously not saying too much until it’s released but I got to do one with Bobbie about his favourite current spod mix. Earlier on I mentioned Bobbie passion etc.  I can’t wait for you all to see this video and see for yourselves his love for the sport.

The rest of the day went by and it was annoyingly as expected with the sun and high pressure turning the carp right off.  Peder’s carp at 10am was the last one caught that day.  We went into another cold night with optimism between James and I still high.  One of us had to win top rod.

The morning came by and as with the previous night’s no body caught in darkness.  Now it was down to the final few hours whilst packing up.  Both James and I left the rods right until the last minute and further cementing the rivalry and friendship that had been created over the past 72 hours, we both reeled in our last rod at the same time.

Although it was a draw for us two.  For me there was one clear winner from this weekend and that was DT Baits. Not only seeing the passion and desire each angler has to catch on their products, but more so seeing the impressive figures from what was caught. 

27 carp caught

20 anglers

8 blanks

4 x 40s

7 x 30s

11 x 20s

5 doubles

Total weight 756.12

Biggest fish 44.5

Biggest angler weight 132.12

Having had my best session on the lake since I’ve been fishing it. I certainly can’t wait to come back and more so, get back on the Bank with the team to enjoy our next social oh and have a rematch with James.