• Cold Water Green Beast  -  Crustazia  -  N Blend  -  Supa Fruit  -  Fish Blood & Orange  -  Peach & Sour Cream  -  Oily Chicken

  • Boilies  -  Pellet  -  Stick Mix

  • DNA Liquid  -  Boilie Dips  -  Bait Spray

  • Wafters  -  Pop Ups  -  Paste  -  Critical Balanced

The Swain Thing – Unleashing the Secrets

Although Andy didn’t have any other bites that week I can’t help but think given the option to catch the fish of a lifetime prior to his trip he’d have ripped your arms off.

Congratulations Andy from all of us at DT baits on a very special capture.

It was also great to hear Ken managed a fish of 46lbs 8oz and Andrew bagged a 49lb mirror before the three of them returned to Blighty.

Andy’s monumental capture was taken on DT Baits Developments Cold Water Green Beast. Head to www.dtbaits.co.uk for more information and to see our extensive range of quality baits.

We’d like to say a big thank you to Luke Moffatt for taking the time to talk to us about The Graviers and its fantastic stock. For lake inquiries head to www.lukemoffatt.com.