Rick Golder’s Fishing Journey
DT Diary Piece: Part 1
Confident with the Green Beast...
After being fortunate to join the DT team early this year, I couldn’t wait to start with the new bait. Unfortunately, January and February aren’t the best months for a proper test, but to be honest I was so confident with the Green Beast, I knew if I could get my location right, I’d be in with a good chance. To start off with Green Beast was an easy decision, it was still winter, and I had heard so much about how good this bait was in low water temperatures, I already had my mind made up for me.
The first week of February I made the trip up to my syndicate lake. I was pretty lucky here, as this lake, being situated right next to a river, floods most winters and is unfishable. However, this one had obviously been dry enough for it to have stayed at almost normal levels. That said, due to this frequent flooding, I wasn’t sure about what sort of winter form it had. It was mega exciting though, as I drove in the gate and saw no one was there. I had a good walk round, which made it apparent early on, that the main open water appeared totally lifeless. Apart from a stack of birdlife, I never saw anything despite having several laps round. I know that snags are always the best bet at that time of year, and more precisely ones that have a good deal of sun hitting them. There was only one area I had a good feeling for, as it had a mass of overhanging trees on the right side, and a nice deep margin that shelved away under the trees. As I walked into the main snags, that were pulling and tearing at my clothes, I could just make out several dark shapes sat right down deep under the branches. The good news was that they were active, and as I watched one or two swam slowly out of sight, only to re appear a bit later on. That made my mind up for me, and I soon had a single Green Beast pop up on a stiff hinge rig lowered into that margin, with a handful of 15mm baits around it. Being that close it was easy to place the rig, as I was virtually dropping it off the rod tip. With braided mainline on I had a few drops, all feeling pretty much the same, until one hit much more firmly than any of the others. That was the one though, and I carefully laid out the leadfree leader I was using along the bottom until I was happy my trap was set perfectly. The other two rods I fished out on spots into the lake, but I wasn’t overly confident with those, as all I was able to find were strands of dead black weed, and a lake bed that was barren really.

A ripping take...
The following morning not long after first light I had a ripping take on the margin rod, the tip pulling round violently and the buzzer screaming. I was up and on it, and immediately giving it heavy side strain away from the branches. It didn’t feel that big, and once I had it out in the open water I could see a mirror twisting and turning on the end. It was great to get a bite so quickly, and a massive confidence booster! I soon had a low 20 stunning black mirror in the net, and as I held it up for a few self takes couldn’t help thinking this bait was a winner. I added a small stockie at about the same time the following day, which I think was the time the fish were heading past me and into the snags for the day. A great start though, and I couldn’t wait to get back for another go. I was back the following week, and again with nothing showing in the open water, I was back in the snags swim. Once again, I had another two takes and landed two, but as before all on that single rod. The ones in the open doing nothing at all. However, it wasn’t the most enjoyable fishing, sitting there watching one rod and having to be in a constant state of readiness was hard work, so the following week I choose another area. This didn’t work out, and throughout the cold 48 hours I didn’t see or hear a thing.

Produced a cracking 25lb mirror...
I missed a couple of weeks then, and we were into March, with the light levels increasing and Spring starting to feel closer, I went over to another venue for a couple of single night trips. This lake was really deep, mostly in the 15 feet plus range, but it had a decent stock and I felt there may well be an early chance. My first session was quiet, in fact I saw nothing, but my next produced a cracking 25 lb mirror on a wafter fished on a D rig at about 100 yards. Whilst I caught on that session, I did see a fair few shows in a swim to my left, and on the opposite bank. As I packed up I took a walk round there, and while I watched I saw one push its head out nice and close in. I had about a kilo of bait left, so I spread that around knowing I could be back in a few days. By now with the water temperatures were rising I had chosen to move on to the pukka fish with peach and sour cream. I’ve always preferred fishmeal’s, but I must admit I didn’t have a clue what to use as my spring/summer bait, I liked them all! That N Blend looked awesome, and I’d never liked nut based baits before, the blood and orange I knew had caught some big fish over a lot of years, and the oily chicken again was a proven big fish bait with an impressive track record! In the end I made a decision, but it hadn’t been easy. Fenton had shown me the DNA liquid, which I really liked, and I had given the frozen baits a glaze of this and allowed them to thaw with the fish pro on them. Being a high-quality coarse bait, it easily drew it all in, massively boosting attraction levels. After 2 days these baits almost seemed alive, and oozing high levels of flavour. I knew then they were exactly as I wanted, nice and soft too so break down time was perfect, and giving me optimum pulling power. The fish thought so too, as within two hours of getting my rods out I had a 27 mirror, and at first light a 31 mirror. This fish ripped off, tearing line from the clutch and staying deep almost until I gratefully scooped it up in the net. It had really tested the tackle, which wasn’t surprising as it had a huge tail on it, built for scrapping. I was on a decent run, but hoped it would continue, as the week after I had a trip to Churn Pool booked. I had never seen the lake before, but I knew being pressured it would be a good test for the bait.

Silt buster pop up...
I primed up about 6 kilos for this trip, again with the DNA fish pro, and with my confidence high, I couldn’t wait for the trip to come around. What a place it is too, a stunning lake deep in the heart of big carp country, and with excellent facilities too. I was with a friend, and as we looked round it, we saw fish in several areas. It helped it was the first really warm day, and by lunchtime the fish were exceptionally active. My friend sorted a nice margin stalking spot, and I continued looking for somewhere to start myself. As I got around to a point that jutted out into one end of the lake, I watched two fish swimming straight towards me, about 3 feet below the surface. I ducked down as they continued on a course for the swim I was in, but as they got closer, they both turned and headed towards one big tree that was overhanging the water in the margin up to my right. As they approached it they dropped lower down and disappeared from sight, but I knew they had gone in under that tree. I walked down to the tree, and as quietly as I could looked over the bank of reeds in front. I couldn’t see any fish, but the odd large bubble appeared , bursting as they hit on of the thin branches that were on the water line. As I watched I was sure I saw the branches have the occasional shake, and I was certain there were fish in there. With that I unloaded my gear, and flicked a rod out just off the end of the tree. I put on a single peach, pineapple and sour cream silt buster pop up, and prayed for a solid drop first cast. It was only a long underarm and as I held the lead back on a tight line I felt it hit firm bottom. I didn’t put any free baits out, and then started sorting my other rods which were going straight out in front. Over towards the far bank I had seen a glowing gravel hump that rose steeply up off the bottom, and looked a banker for at least one bait. Within 20 minutes though the rod by the tree was off.